These terms of use apply to the entire contents of this website. Please read them carefully and if you do not agree with any of them, you should stop using the website immediately. We reserve the right to amend, add or alter the contents of the website or these terms of use without notification. We are not obliged to remove outdated information from the website or to show it as being outdated. The vacancies and services described on this website are subject to availability and may be withdrawn, or varied without notice subject to terms and conditions and are only available to residents of the United Kingdom. The vacancies and services are not intended for use by residents of any other jurisdiction. If you choose to submit details electronically, for example, contacting us or registering with us, you will receive an automated acknowledgement. This e-mail is for acknowledgement purposes only and shall not constitute an offer or acceptance from us to provide you with a vacancy or service. Application forms downloaded from this site can only be processed, if completed in English.
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We believe the information provided on this website is up to date and accurate. If you intend to rely on any information on this website, you are responsible for checking its validity and accuracy and ensuring that it meets your requirements. We will not accept any liability for losses or damages from use or inability to use this website or from any error or omission in information.
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